  • YWCA Carlisle & Cumberland County

Preschool 2024-2025

Event Registration
Call us at (717) 243-3818

Please fill out this form if you would like to process your monthly tuition payment online using your credit card. Thank you!

Please refer any questions to Melinda Lascurain, M. Ed, Preschool Director, at mlascurain@ywcacarlisle.org.

Please visit our website at https://ywcacarlisle.org/ For questions, please call 717-243-3818

Your Contact Information


Student Details

The field Student First Name is required.
The field Student Last Name is required.
The field Child's Class is required.
The maximum length for the field Afternoon Explorer Single Session Date(s): is 500 characters.
The maximum length for the field Afternoon Explorers Multi-Sessions Dates: is 500 characters.

Monthly Tuition

Tuition Type Price Quantity Total
2-days of class/week $195.00
3-days of class/week $270.00
5-days of class/week $400.00
Single Session $15.00
Four Sessions $56.00
at a rate of $14/session
Eight Sessions $104.00
at a rate of $13/session
Art Show Raffle 15 tickets $10.00
Art Show Raffle 6 tickets $5.00
Art Show Raffle Collaborative Tickets $2.00
  Total: $0.00
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Total Amount Due: $0.00