  • YWCA Carlisle & Cumberland County

Become a Member of the YWCA!

Become a member of the YWCA and receive the inside scoop on upcoming program information and sign up schedules.  Your membership fees help support county crisis services and community programs.  Hope to see you at the YWCA soon!

We encourage men and women to support our mission and join the cause. All families enrolled in preschool must be members of the YWCACCC. Student membership is required for any children enrolled in Young Wonders Day Camp program.

Additional Perks with the Circle of Giving

With a combined total contribution of $150 or more throughout the year, enjoy insider perks such as:

  • an exclusive pass to the Circle of Giving cocktail reception,
  • privileged access to insider information on upcoming programs and events,
  • and an array of additional surprises waiting to unfold!



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Total Amount Due: $150.00

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